Nutz Banana Food dip 1ltr & 500ml

Super sweet sticky liquid PVA Friendly.
Add a little extra attraction to your hook bait or freebies with the addition of our Nutz Banana food which contains all the powders and flavours from the boilies blended with our nut extract.

This is a thin runny liquid glug is good for giving your freebies a coating.

A proven tactic when times are hard.


Product Description

Super sweet sticky liquid PVA Friendly.
Add a little extra attraction to your hook bait or freebies with the addition of our Nutz Banana food which contains all the powders and flavours from the boilies blended with our nut extract.

This is a thin runny liquid glug is good for giving your freebies a coating.

A proven tactic when times are hard.

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