Nut Supreme Extract 500ml & 1ltr

Unlike other nut extracts this isn’t tigernut rebottled

This is in fact our blend of nut extracts we use in the Compulsive Pop up which contains 6 blends of nuts including oils.

Very sweet and sticky very thick liquid,PVA friendly great for solid bags,coating baits and even floaters. 500ml bottle and 1ltr bottles.

Think along the lines of a liquid peanut butter 


Product Description

Unlike other nut extracts this isn’t tigernut rebottled

This is in fact our blend of nut extracts we use in the Compulsive Pop up which contains 6 blends of nuts including oils.

Very sweet and sticky very thick liquid,PVA friendly great for solid bags,coating baits and even floaters. 500ml bottle and 1ltr bottles.

Think along the lines of a liquid peanut butter 

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