Apr 12, 2020

Early Days

Author: Tony Gouldsborough

Categories: Media

I started my days of fishing for carp 35 years ago back when i was 17 years old after constantly getting snapped off by what i knew to be carp whilst fishing for tench, after stepping up my line i eventually landed my first carp of just over 8lb, since then i was hooked and couldn’t sleep at night wondering what else lay in that small reservoir. As years passed i eventually discovered the boilie that i had heard so many of the other carp anglers discussing so i managed to source some to use in place of my good old luncheon meat and to be honest my results were not that good so reverted back to luncheon meat.

A few more seasons passed and the tackle shops seemed to be getting more and more stocked with carp fishing tackle and of course more different boilies of all smells, colours and sizes, so i bought a bag saying fruity fishmeal on it, i can’t honestly remember the brand but to my surprise they worked really well so i was now boilie converted.

it didn’t take me long to realise some were better than others by far, to be truthful some were really rubbish and better of suited to feeding swans off with, from there i discovered fresh bait or freezer bait as some call it, much softer and quicker break down i found it much more suited to my fishing ,over the next decade more and more bait companies appeared on the scene and i was lucky enough to get a bait deal with one of the bigger ones and had a lot of success but i was finding too much in the way of inconsistency in the bait, it just looked and smelled different each batch.

So i moved to another big bait company the bait was working for me but the company i just couldn’t get along with, at this time i was fishing a lot in France and using lots and lots of bait so had my ear to ground to see what other opportunities were out there, about 4 years ago i got speaking with Adam Garland who i knew from my days on Crackers Meadow in Northampton where we both used to spend a bit of time, he proceeded to tell me he was now a consultant for a company called Mad Baits and asked if i would be interested in joining the team, i was due to go to France at the end of that week so told adam i would talk to himself and the owner of Mad Baits on my return as it would be too late to order anything now.

The day i was to travel a courier pulls up and hands me a large box full of different madbaits products, i was shocked to say the least, thanks to Mark and Adam, i put these to use the week in france and ended up with 46 fish inc 12 x 40lb+ i was converted and have never looked back Mads baits have produced for me 100’s of 30’s loads of 40’s and 50’s a couple of 70’s and even a 125lb catfish, the bait is spot on, the consistency is spot on and best of all it is a company that has time for the customer and the customers needs, i have fished for some bigger companies but none have given me the time and help these guys have give them a try you won’t be too disappointed..

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