MAD Baits offers the latest in cutting edge bait technology yet still retains the ‘old school’ feel by not forgetting many of the classic ingredients which have stood the test of time. We genuinely feel one of the main factors to our ongoing success is our constant pursuit of the highest quality ingredients available today.
Our team spends many hours searching for, obtaining and testing hundreds of different products, many never seen in the angling world before, to ensure we are constantly giving our customers the best baits available.
The current industry trend seems to be to supply customers with cheaper and cheaper baits and although this may be more cost-effective for the company, it’s certainly not what’s best for the customer. At MAD Baits we firmly believe that the product is more effective when made with the finest ingredients not cheap bulking agents. This is why all our products are made and rolled to order and sent out fresh as possible to our customers to ensure they reach you in the best condition possible.
The only way to know that a bait is truly effective is to go and catch carp on it, from the toughest waters – that is our quality assurance! It is our constant aim to provide top quality, innovative products at the forefront of bait production, while maintaining excellent value for money for anglers of all levels of experience in the various sectors of the angling community.
With a particular focus on Carp and Coarse fishing, we are able to offer an ever-expanding range of competitively priced bait items that have a proven track record, with exclusive ingredients that make our products unique to us!
Year after year, we see an incredible number of prized, big fish in the UK and Europe caught by anglers using our baits. From highly pressured ‘circuit water’ residents to wild fish that rarely see the bank, literally thousands of dream-making Carp and coarse fish have fallen to the irresistible attraction and nutritional properties of our baits adding to the growing list of truly outstanding captures made by anglers using our baits in recent years.
Join our journey, like many of the most successful anglers in the UK and Europe and make Mad Baits your first choice for high quality baits.
The Mad Team