Chilli Products 500ml & 1ltr


What is FML oil it is the worlds hottest Chilli the Carolina Reaper mixed with Salmon oil this blend is very very hot Fml stands for FU*K MY LIFE because if you get this near your eyes you will be screaming FU*K MY LIFE please use golves and eye protection when using this product if you do get it near your eyes seek urgent medical attention.


Hot Chilli Extract 500ml & 1ltr

Cayenne chilli,Tabasco chilli,salt,sugar, acetic acid.

Great for solid bags,boosting boilies,spod mix.



Chilli Hemp oil

This is our Chilli extract mixed with 6 fresh chillis and hemp oil.


Chilli Salmon oil

This is our Chilli extract mixed with 6 fresh chillis and Salmon oil.


Product Description


What is FML oil it is the worlds hottest Chilli the Carolina Reaper mixed with Salmon oil this blend is very very hot Fml stands for FU*K MY LIFE because if you get this near your eyes you will be screaming FU*K MY LIFE please use golves and eye protection when using this product if you do get it near your eyes seek urgent medical attention.


Hot Chilli Extract 500ml & 1ltr

Cayenne chilli,Tabasco chilli,salt,sugar, acetic acid.

Great for solid bags,boosting boilies,spod mix.



Chilli Hemp oil

This is our Chilli extract mixed with 6 fresh chillis and hemp oil.


Chilli Salmon oil

This is our Chilli extract mixed with 6 fresh chillis and Salmon oil.


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